Thursday, June 16, 2011

There is something sparkly on my finger...

When I wake up, I rub the sleep off my eyes, take a few minutes to reacquaint myself with the things that need to get done for the day, and then, as my mind wanders it often settles on the something sparkly that fits around my ring finger. It used to be a loud pelt of the following words: "I am getting married!" that occurred every morning, followed by a running around my apartment spell to make sure I wasn't asleep. But, finally, I have realized that my roommates sleep in later than I do on most days and a quiet whisper to myself accomplishes a similar awareness-of-whats-materializing-affect. Yes, I am still in the I can't believe that this is happening phase. Am I excited? Heck yah!!!

Friday, May 6, 2011

The Finally I can list and the New Shift

Finally, I can...

walk to campus without a jacket at 8:00 am and expect the weather to stay beautiful until I get off campus at 8:00pm

wear sandals and shorts and capris and get my legs tan again

go on a tandem bike ride

make more than just $65.75 a week

have the time to read

find ripe watermelon

paint my nails extra bright orange or pink and not feel out-of-season

sleep in until 10 three days a week

see greenery and color sprouting from the trees and shrubbery around campus

consider camping and not have to worry too much about being so cold at night

have a better selection of produce at the market

feel justified in purchasing Alba's Botanical Sunblock that I have been wanting for weeks ever since I tried a sample, from what unfortunately was not a test bottle....oops

go bathing suit shopping!

get serious about getting to my beach-body worthy goal...which should have started weeks ago...but has been rejuvenated by the perfect jog-the-pounds off weather

...I could go on FOREVER...

There are many very good things happening right now but the one thing I figured I'd share was the added benefits of working the night shift at the BYU bookstore. I start at 5pm and get off at 8pm. Between those hours I can be counted lucky if I get more than a dozen customers through my line. So what do I do with all the free time on my hands?... I indulge. Indulge in the array of cookbooks that line the shelves behind my register and in the rows of non-fiction books that lie about five feet away from me. It is a cook-lovers, non-fiction-fanaticist dream come true. Thank goodness that combination of literary genre is exactly me :)

My absolute favorite read is Cook's Illustrated. It is the best! Many of my culinary quandaries have been answered already!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Where in the world..of I going to live?

Yep. I've got a week to figure out where I am going to live for the spring. So i picked up a housing guide. The deadline is Saturday.

So don't be fooled by the big smile on my face as I am looking through the housing guide. I'm secretly freaking out ;)

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Dim Sum

Today, a customer came into my line that told me he was New York City bound for the summer. I was super excited for him and we made a deal that every time he came through my line until he left he would ask me to recommend one place for him to visit.

I told him about an awesome Dim Sum place on China town. This place is amazing!! Its called Jing Fong on Elizabeth Street. If you want the real chinese-canton style experience this is it!! The restaurant is the size of a football field and Dim Sum is very affordable. The room is filled with chinese women, who don't speak a word of english, pushing carts of bamboo steamers. The best way to communicate is just to point at what you want, but trust me everything is good so you really can't go wrong.
What do i recommend?

the shrimp dumplings. the rice noodle rolls. the deep fried prawns. the stuffed sticky rice in lotus leaves. the egg tarts. the char siu spare ribs. the shao mai. the ta-hu. and of course, the chicken feet.

its the best. guaranteed.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Another day, another obsession...

So, I today I got to do one of my favorite things in the people play volleyball. I watched the women's team practice for a bit in the Smith Fieldhouse and then, while walking through the RB I found myself watching, studying, analyzing --every volleyball class I was passing by. Its really hard for me not to get hooked into a volleyball game, and when the game is a good one I pretty much just lose all interest in the rest of the world.

Oh...and to continue my gratitude posts...

Today, I am thankful for Fortune Cookies.
Our ward had our closing social and Panda Express Catered. My Fortune read: be willing to take that chance you've been wanting to consider...

Monday, April 11, 2011

Lists. I happen to be the kind of person that makes lists of everything. I like them because they help me make plans.

I make lists of:

things to do
places to go
things to eat
books to read
people to call
dreams to achieve
goals to fulfill
friends to email
birthdays to recall
songs to purchase
restaurants to try
attributes to improve
chores to get done
movies to watch or re-watch

These days, most of my lists have been:

majors to consider
jobs to apply for
utility bills to pay
housing options to check out
habits to mend
classes to register
easter preparations to make
general conference talks to read
bridal showers to attend

and it goes on and on...

At the beginning of every new year the phrase, "a goal not written is merely a wish" is repeated over and over again in my home. My mom will make her rounds at night and come into my brothers room and then my room and ask us if we've written our goals down yet. When its New Years Eve and we get to the part where we share our goals, its always funny to hear my mom ask each our family members questions like, have you made a time frame for that? how will you measure your achievements? do you think thats specific enough? Most of the time we snicker at how seriously my mom takes goal making. But, her goal-making, plan-building, dream-forming obsessions have carried over! And while all these lists I make are just a small part of my planning addictions I like knowing that I have dreams and desires. Some are smaller than others, and some are pretty big and they stretch on into forever. But, i think this may be the best thing that has ever rubbed off on me from my mom.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Day Two I am Grateful for Zumba

So Becca and I have been trying to loose 10 or fifteen pounds come June 1st. One of our favorite things to do for exercise is Zumba. Last night, we went to our local RC Wiley where they had Zumba classes in their basement. The funniest part may have been that it was a Latin exercise club and we were the only non-latino college aged students there.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Day One I am Grateful for Bran Muffins

After a long day of studying, which culminated to the taking of a test that was way tough...I got the one thing that someone very thoughtful new would make my day. A Bran Muffin! Essentially, the best way to win me over is through food, next is, well, through more food. Its the perfect after-test-snack anyone could ever ask for. They are scrumptious. They have that perfect balance of sweet, crumbly, wheat and bran goodness that is oh-so-heavenly. And, unlike most bran muffins, these have a gooey honey topping that is soooooo good!
So yes. Today, I am thankful for Bran Muffins!

Back to Black


never again will i color my hair. i may have pulled that line a couple times already but I LOVE my black hair.

look at how fried it looked when it was brown!!! seriously. I don't know what it is about black hair dye, but it always gives my hair so much needed umph.

The semester is almost over and I decided that best way to end it would be with a gratitude blog challenge. I failed terribly at finishing my gratitude challenge when I tried to do it last semester and so I think now is a great time to redeem myself.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Orange Julius

Some People like Jamba. Others prefer Smoothie King. But I favor the ORANGE JULIUS.

Here are some random facts any true Orange Julius lover would know.

It all started with the creation of an orange juice drink that was less acidic and more light and frothy in 1926. The location? Los Angeles. Can you believe it an orange juice stand is what started it all!!!!

It became the official beverage in the 1964 World's fair.

44 of the 50 US states have OJ enterprises. I think it will be mandatory for me to live in a state where there are ample OJs.

Nicole's favorite OJ drink is Pina Colada.

I want one so BAD!!!! There's just nothing quite like the perfect medley of fruit, milk, ice, vanilla and oh-so-creamy-and-light-froth that you get when you sip on a OJ. Divine!

Friday, March 4, 2011

Dinner Group

Every night, at 6:30 a group of friends and I get together to have dinner. We rotate cooking responsibilities every night. Friday's is my night and this is what came of it....

How I wish we had another oven!

Happy Eating!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

One of those days

This day started so great. Then i went to my anatomy class and as I heard my professor talking about the closed lecture quiz-- my heart sank. I forgot to take it! I sincerely, genuinely, honestly just, forgot. I don't know what this is going to do to my grade. I left my class early because i felt nauseous being surrounded by students who didn't forget to take the exam.

Ahh...Perspective Nicole! Perspective! This is so small (is it really though...???) compared to everything else thats going on and approaching. PERSPECTIVE.

I hadn't been on my computer since yesterday afternoon really and when i opened it when I got home a youtube video a friend had showed was still up. I watched it again, and it pretty much fixed my mood. I have NO idea whats going to happen. If I have to take the class all over again, I am sure there is a reason for it and all will work out.

On a brighter note, I got an obscure email saying my BYU ID was turned in....The one I lost in my wallet a month ago!! Thats right, my wallet was turned in! It turns out it was found in Forever 21. So yes, it is still a happy day and even though i forced the thumbs up, I am not gonna let this get to me!

Oh...and my comic relief for the day....I totally walked into the door at the breakroom at work today and then into the wall at the bookstore while being mesmerized by the Easter display :)

Monday, February 28, 2011

Day 28 A picture of something you are afraid of

I am not exactly afraid of heights. But when I saw the tree I had to climb to do the zip-line at our Family Reunion I freaked out!! Then I saw my 75 year old grandmother do it...haha there was no way I was gonna be be the only one in our family not to do it, so I did, nearly peed in my pants, but its was so much fun!!!!!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Day 27 A picture of you and a family member

This is me and my cousin Shazer. He makes the BEST funny faces ever!!

Saturday, February 26, 2011

day 26 A picture of your day

My best friend from high school gave me these shoes. Handmade. Leather. From Turkey.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Day 25 A picture of your day

Sadly, nothing too exciting took place today. The highlight was probably my bonding moment with my new cookbook. And if only I had a picture of my slipping in the snow instant, that would have been the kodak moment to record :)

p.s. I realize the whole thumbs up thing is becoming a trend in many of my pictures. I'm working on that one.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

The Oldies

I have a thing for old people-music-stuff etcetera etcetera... Today, I went to the Jamestown Courtyard Retirement Home with a friend, only it didn't feel anything like a retirement home. We walked into what looked liked the lobby of the Plaza hotel and right before us was a massive and fully adorned dining room where elderly men, women, and couples were chowing down what appeared to be a gourmet meal on some really fancy set tables. I know, I know, not the average retirement home by far!

this is a picture of one of their tables, cute huh?

Anyways I got to play bingo with some of them and it was such a good time! The ladies I sat with were so vibrant, and they reminded me of the little kids I used to babysit because they were so friendly and fun to be around.

I realized two things while at the retirement home:
1. When I step outside of myself I feel happier
2. Everyone appreciates genuine friendship

I loved it. Can't wait for Saturday morning when we do manicures! Wish I had taken a picture with them!

Day 24 A picture of something you wish you could change

(This would be my what am I doing as an English Major?!?!?! face..I think the lighting gives it that "I just had an epiphany touch" )

So at first, I was SOLD on being an ENGLISH TEACHING major. Why? Because I don't think you will find anyone as in love with the genre of Romantic Literature like I am. I was convinced that I would teach High School to convince all my students that literature is AWESOME. But then as I was taking all my english classes I realized I was BORED out of mind. Yeah, once in a while I'd be so engrossed in the material it was a bit ridiculous but for the most part I just wasn't feeling so passionate about the English Teaching dream anymore.
I've recently changed my academic route of study to nursing. Its dang hard. But, I do wish I had made this my decision the first time around.
.... But don't worry...If you ever need someone to talk to about literary critical analysis, I'm your gal. I still have those weird, nerdy itches to talk about literature and all of its mechanics

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Day 23 A picture of Your Favorite Book

I am by no means a Fantasy book reader but this one is the only exception. I loved it when I first read it in the fifth grade and I still love it today. My future children will have to endure this one for their bedtime stories because its my very favorite :)

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Day 22 A picture of something you wish you were better at

Excuse the presence of my phone. But see that handmade Turkish purse? That would be my wallet which I lost two weeks ago along with my keys to my apartment. I tend to lose those all the time. Believe me, it is super awkward to have to use your passport as a form of ID!

Monday, February 21, 2011

Day 21 A picture of Something you wish you could forget

In case its not obvious...No, ORANGE is not my natural hair color. That was pretty much a disaster hair coloring experiment which, thankfully, my mother fixed!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Day 20 A picture of somewhere you'd love to travel

So Im about done with the cold weather. I wore sandals today and it was snowing in Park City, because yes, I am that anxious for warm weather! This is called the Green Island and since I love anything green I want to go there, someday.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Day 19 A picture and a letter?

Okay i have no idea what this prompt means? So this is literally a picture of me and the last letter I got in the mail from a freind serving his mission in Washington....needless to say if you zoomed in and saw the stamped date, a well deserved shake-of-the-head would be in order.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Day 18 A Picture of your biggest insecurity

Okay these are going to take some explaining... I'm probably not the most graceful person when it comes to jumping....and that's an understatement to say the least. An experience this past weekend has only validated my belief in that statement...and since I don't have any pictures of that evening--thank goodness!--these will have to vouch for my very limited and often very awkward jumping abilities. Oh, and I have no idea why the pictures kind of look like its snowing.

I think my favorite interpretation of this one is...."oh Nik its like you're going to the bathroom..."
Don't ask me why I'm pulling an Ameila Airhart....It just happened.
I had to add this picture. Whenever I overeat, I get REALLY bad food babies. thats another insecurity of mine. And no, I am not pushing out. Its that bad.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Day 17 A picture of something that has made a huge impact on your life recently

You have no idea what heaven is like until you've had a donut at the Provo Bakery. Life changing experience? Yes indeed!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Day 16 A picture of someone who inspires you

This is my Ama. She inspires me in so many ways. I love you Ama!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Day 15 A Picture of something you want to do before you die

So this place is probably bigger than anything my budget could ever afford in the future but I do want to open my own bistro one day. Nothing big. Just simple, easy to eat and down to earth good food. I liked the tropical feel of this one. But, even if I had a vendor stand or a little bus, that would be sweet!

There are a few things that I demand on the menu...

1. Really good Pina Coladas
2. Barbecued everything...from pork to bananas (on a stick)
3. A darn good cheeseburger

I realize there is no continuity in these items but they are my favorite things to eat :)

Day 14 A picture of someone you can't picture your life without

This is my brother. He is the coolest kid you will ever meet and the greatest example to me of a person that loves you no matter what.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Day 13 A picture of your favorite band or artist

I feel like this is weird of me to like. But I love Cat Stevens.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Day 12 A Picture of something you love

LA VILLA Grandma's Pizza.
It is the BEST pizza I have ever tasted. When I go to New York that is the FIRST place I want to eat out :)

Friday, February 11, 2011

Day 11 A picture of something you hate

There are many things I don't like...

Being late, not having enough food at a dinner party YOU are hosting, being unprepared for anything, extremely small dessert portions, flakiness, plan-ditchers, upsetting surprises...
But, most of all... I really don't like disappointing people. It doesn't matter if I know you fairly well or if I just met you a few minutes ago. I like to make commitments and stick to them.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Day 10 A picture with someone you do the craziest things with

Oh just packing snow on our buddies' door at 2 in the morning.
Guilty as charged.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Day 09 A picture of someone who has gotten you through the most

When I have NO idea what I'm doing, that woman in the middle, the most incredible woman I know is who I turn to. Josh being in this pic is an added bonus cause he's one heck of a brother :)

Day 08 A picture that makes you laugh

This here is my Uncle Gene. He was trying to get one of my younger cousins to smile for a Family picture and his teeth popped out!

So funny :)

Monday, February 7, 2011

Day 07 A picture of your most prized possession

Its kinda hard to see. But that gold band is my most prized possession. No a boy did not give it to me. Its my CTR ring and it fits perfectly on my ring finger. Even though my home teachers have recommended that I find another finger to put it on I find myself putting it back where it first went four years ago.

Maybe this is clearer picture...

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Day 06 A picture of someone you want to trade lives with for one day

She's gorgeous.
She can cook.
She has a family.
She is successful.
She ALWAYS looks happy.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Day 05 A picture of a favorite memory from the past year

This was my las day in provo last winter semester. It was spent with some of the coolest people I have ever known. Oh and the guy in the middle, I was just looking out for him hence the blurrage.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Day 03 Dahil May Isang Ikaw

I guess its not my all time favorite show but its last the series I saw from start to finish that I really liked. Theres a soft spot in my heart for Filipino soaps and this one hit the spot just right. My mom and I lost probably four solid days just watching this show, it was intense.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Day 2 A picture with someone you are close with

This is Sonny. He is form Indonesia and we met when I was about 10 years old in primary and have been great friends ever since. He is in New York right now but we still catch up and keep each other updated on our lives. He's such a cool kid.